Blake Geological Services LLC
Blake, G.H., 1981, Biostratigraphic Relationship of Neogene Benthic Foraminifera from the Southern California Outer Continental Borderland to the Monterey Formation, in Garrison, R. E., Douglas, R. G., eds., The Monterey Formation and related siliceous rocks of California: Pacific Section, SEPM, p. 1-14.
Blake, G.H., 1985, The faunal response of California continental margin benthic foraminifera to the oceanographic and depositional events of the Neogene [Ph.D dissertation]: Los Angeles, University of Southern California, 316 p.
Arends, R.G., and Blake, G.H., 1986. Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Naples Bluff coastal section based on diatoms and benthic foraminifera, in Casey, R.E., and Barron, J.A., eds., Siliceous Microfossils and Microplankton of the Monterey Formation and Modern Analogs: SEPM, Pacific Section, Special Publication, v. 45, p.121–135.
Blake, G.H., 1991, Review of the Neogene biostratigraphy and stratigraphy of the Los Angeles Basin and implications for basin evolution, in Biddle, Kevin T., ed., Active Margin Basins, AAPG Memoir 52, p. 135-182.
Blake, G.H., 1994, Detailed Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Naples Bluff section, In Hornafius, J.S., ed, Field Guide to the Monterey Formation Between Santa Barbara and Gaviota, California: Pacific Section AAPG, GB72, p. 17-28.
Sallar, A. and G.H. Blake, 2003, Sequence Stratigraphy and Syndepositional Tectonics of Upper Miocene and Pliocene Deltaic Sediments, Offshore Brunei Darussalam, in Tropical Deltas of Southeast Asia - Sedimentary, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology: SEPM Special Publication No. 76, pp. 219-234.
Blake, G.H., 2018, Sediments